emergency doctors in training

In the spirit of bringing trainees together we are running an action-packed two-day course on Rottnest Island. The course is designed specifically for ACEM trainees in WA covering key topics in front line emergency medicine delivered by FACEMs.

Conducting research in your ED? Looking to do a project but don’t know what to do? This is where the EDiT network project hub comes in!

This area is designed for anyone involved in education in the emergency department; you may be the education registrar, an EM doctor revising for fellowships looking for OSCE cases to practice or an EM doctor doing a one-off teaching
Welcome to the Emergency Doctors in Training (EDiT) Network. The EDiT network is here to connect emergency doctors, encourage collaborative work, and ultimately bring trainees together. The EDiT network aims to connect every Emergency Department in Western Australia through our group of representatives and is comprised of three arms: the Rottnest Island Emergency Medicine course, the education portal and the project HUB.