This area is designed for anyone involved in education in the emergency department; you may be the education registrar, an EM doctor revising for fellowships looking for OSCE cases to practice or an EM doctor doing a one-off teaching session. Use it as a free, open access resource to download, adapt and share educational templates, lesson plans and topics to deliver teaching to your fellow colleagues.
We are starting off with a simulation resource. We want emergency doctors across the state to help build a bank of standardized SIM scenarios for emergency medicine. Below is a suggested template that you can populate for each SIM, once complete email it to us at [email protected] and we will share it on the portal.
Below is the current bank of SIMs to download and deliver as you see fit. Please feel free to download, share and upload your own SIMs for others to use.
We are currently working on our SIM bank. Once complete you will be able to access a wide range of emergency medicine SIMs all in a standard format. If you have any great sims you would like to share please send them to [email protected].
Watch this space
Have a talent for teaching? Want to become involved in delivering modern, professional teaching courses to medical students? Then check out our education partners at Medvault Education or email them at